K-Lo Closing
Kennedy-Longfellow to Close after the 2024-2025 School Year
On December 17, 2024, the Cambridge Public Schools School Committee unanimously approved the Interim Superintendent's proposal to close Kennedy-Longfellow at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
We will be focusing the remainder of the school year on ensuring that all K-Lo students have a successful transition. We are also are committed to ensuring that educational equity will happen for all kids in the district so this never happens.
K-Lo students will be redistributed to other CPSD schools beginning with the Fall 2025 school year. K-Lo students will have the option to move with their cohort to either the King Open School or the Martin Luther King School; or they can participate in a special lottery where they will be prioritized to enroll in their school of choice (space permitting).
Following building renovations in 2025-2026, a new school (TBD) will move into 158 Spring Street in Fall 2026.
In an effort to improve communication around this important issue, a group of K-Lo Caregiver Advocates have put together newsletters to update the community throughout this process. These newsletters are our perspectives only. When we have been able to confirm something with the District, that is noted. These newsletters will be sent out on Mondays and Thursdays.
District updates about the K-Lo transition are available here.
To sign-up to receive the newsletter and indicate your interest in advocating for K-Lo, please complete this form.
Thank you for supporting K-Lo!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Closing of K-Lo
The District has posted a FAQ document to clarify questions people may have about the closing.
We looked. We were a little confused. We put a version together that includes 1) what he said, 2) what we think he said, and 3) what we think about what we think he said.
This will be a living document and we will add to and edit it as we receive additional information.
FYI: We are working on translations and will post those as soon as they are available.
Do you have a question that is not answered? If so, please email us at friendsofklo@gmail.com and we will do our best to get an answer for you.